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Gemini Project

The Gemini Project - An experiment to produce psychically enhanced warriors, who are able to share their thoughts in teams of two. They are invaluable as special operators, but what happens when they fall in love?

Tag Team

Peter and Mike are back from their latest overseas mission and this time, nothing will stop them from claiming the woman they love. Lilly isn't too sure about their motives, but when both of her dream guys put the move on her, she's powerless to resist one of her dearest fantasies coming true. But can it last long term? Dare she take a chance and find out?

* Note: This short story was previously published by Total Ebound Publishing with a different cover and ISBN number. The story has come off contract and is essentially the same as the previous version. It just has a new cover and the series will continue from this point.

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Doubling Down

Psychically gifted Spec Ops soldiers, Jay and Zack, have been watching their favorite restaurant manager, Becky, for months, plotting and planning to make their move. She doesn't know it yet, but the duo have major plans for her...if she can handle them both. But when Becky is attacked, Jay and Zack come to her rescue and must stop the threat against the woman they want to be theirs forevermore.

Release Date: September 25, 2018

Apple - Amazon - B&N - Kobo - Google Play - Smashwords
Deuces Wild

Jeff and Marlon are highly trained special operatives with a hidden talent for telepathy. Maya is a bear shifter working undercover to help guard a friend. When evil attacks the event they’re all at, the boys jump into action…and so does Maya. Will they be able to accept her differences? And, will all of them be able to overcome their enemies and live to fight...and love...another day?

Release Date: December 3, 2019.

Apple - Amazon - B&N - Kobo - Smashwords

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